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The official guide to the GRE قیمت اصلی 580,000 تومان بود.قیمت فعلی 348,000 تومان است.

Essential words for the GRE

قیمت اصلی 280,000 تومان بود.قیمت فعلی 168,000 تومان است.

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توضیحات محصول

عنوان مجموعه : Essential words for the GRE

ناشر :Barron’s

نویسندگان: Philip Geer, Ed.M.

تعداد جلد: تک جلدی

وضعیت: موجود در بوک کند bookkand  مرجع خرید آنلاین کتاب های زبان

For more than 70 years, BARRON’S experts have been helping students surpass their expectations on standardized tests. This book will help you expand youe English vocabulary and earn a high score on the GRE verbal reasoning test.

Peruse the introduction to familiarize yourself with the verbal reasoning question types found on the GRE

Make the most of your time leading up to the test with our tlme-sensitive study plans

Assess your strengths by taking the pretest

Reinforce your study by completing the matching and sentence completing exercises for all words lists

Learn important root words and gain a solid understanding of the building blocks of the English language

Test your newly expanded vocabulary by competing the posttest

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