انگلیسی برای دانشجویان رشته های فنی و مهندسی English for the Students of Engineering

14,000 تومان

189 آیتم فروخته شده در 3 ماه

تحویل اکسپرس سریع

پشتیبانی 24 ساعته

ارسال رایگان خرید بالای 400 هزار تومان

7 روز ضمانت برگشت وجه

18 نفر در حال مشاهده این محصول هستند!
وزن 460 گرم

منوچهر حقانی

جنس کاغذ


قطع (سایز کتاب)

وزیری ( 17 × 23 سانتی متر)



تعداد صفحات




نوع جلد

شومیز (نرم)

توضیحات محصول


Reading and Comprehension
This section begins with a reading passage within which are inserted a number of comprehension
checks in the form of multiple choices. These checks are inserted within the reading passage itself
to encourage the learner to think about what he/she reads as he/she reads and to pay close attention
to what is actually expressed in the passage. Once the learner realizes that his/her understanding is
going to be systematically checked, he/she is likely to read more attentively for meaning and to
treat his/her reading not simply as a language exercise relevant only to the English class but as a
.technique for acquiring information which will be useful in a wider field of study

There are also three forms of comprehension checks at the end covering the entire passage
true/false, multiple choice, and wh-questions. The final comprehension checks reflect the major
.ideas of the article in order to help the student learn to focus on important information

Table of contents

Pronunciation Table
Fabrics Made of Stone
Changes in the Business Context
Information Technology in the Workplace
Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Ultra – Lightweight Foam Materials
Digital Audio Broadcasting
Finding a New Home
Process Automation in Chemical Plants
The Implantable Glucose Sensor: An Example of Bioengineering Design
Microprocessor Systems
Aircraft Configuration
Electric Drives
The Scope of Software Engineering

کتابسرای بوک کند فروشگاه تخصصی عرضه کتاب های زبان خارجه با هدف ارائه خدمات برتر به داشنجویان و زبان آموزان دایر شده است.شما می توانید کتاب انگلیسی برای دانشجویان رشته های فنی و مهندسی English for the Students of Engineering را با تخفیف ویژه از این فروشگاه تهیه کنید.

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