English pronunciation in use Elementary

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توضیحات محصول

عنوان مجموعه: English pronunciation in use Elementary

نویسنده: Jonathan Marks

ناشر: Cambridge

تعداد جلد: تک جلد

وضعیت: موجود در بوک کند bookkand  مرجع خرید آنلاین کتاب های زبان



English pronunciation in use:

  •  easy-to-use-two-page units: explanations and examples of key pronunciation points are presented on left-hand pages with a range of exercises on facing right-hand pages.
  • Audio components: all the examples and exercises are recorded and available on audio CD.
  • Clear model for repetition: a single British accent is used as a model for learners to listen to and repeat.
  • Exposure to different accents: learners are given the opportunity to listen to a range of different English accents and learn about their similarities and differences.
  • Additional reference section: including fun exercises to practice phonemic symbols, a guide for speakers of specific languages, exercises on minimal pairs and glossary of specialized terms.
  • Learner-friendly answer key.


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